10 July, 2007

I curse thee planets!

Have you ever heard of this crap?


Despite my staunch Catholic upbringing, I'm somewhat inclined to believe it, seeing as I'm on day one (of 10) of my Southern sojourn and I'm already $2000 (not a typo) over budget, my rental car reservation was lost last night (costing me another $500) my cell phone's broken, and my Ipod's being persnickety.

My mom's new-agey friends' answer? Mercury's in Retrograde. (?!?) I love how they say it so calmly, like the total catastrophe of this week is to be expected.

On the upside, my beloved Memphis looks beautiful. I'd forgotten.

On the mega-upside, I have pit tickets to Morrissey tonight. So, you know, life's perfect. If I can get to Knoxville in 6 hours.

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